Jelly Recipes
Silky smooth homemade jellies preserve flavor, without the seeds or pulp you’d find in a jam recipe. You can make jelly out of almost anything, and some of my favorite jellies are from wild foraged fruits or even edible flowers.
Reader Favorites
Floral and Herbal Jellies
Jelly Recipes
How to Make Flower Jelly (with 20+ Recipes!)
Flower jelly is an easy way to capture the flavor of fresh edible blossoms for year-round enjoyment.
Floral Jelly Recipes
Jelly Recipes
Peony Jelly
Jelly Recipes
Violet Jelly
Jelly Recipes
Dandelion Jelly
Jelly Recipes
Clover Jelly
Jelly Recipes
Nasturtium Jelly
Jelly Recipes
Chamomile Jelly
All Jelly Recipes
Jelly Recipes
Peony Jelly
Jelly Recipes
Grape Hyacinth Jelly
Jelly Recipes
Violet Jelly
Jelly Recipes
Dandelion Jelly
Jelly Recipes
Sea Buckthorn Jam (& Jelly)
Jelly Recipes
Pin Cherry Jelly
Jelly Recipes
Red Currant Jelly
Jelly Recipes
Clover Jelly
Jelly Recipes
Nasturtium Jelly
Jelly Recipes
Chamomile Jelly
Jelly Recipes
Borage Jelly
Jelly Recipes
Apple Blossom Jelly (Or Cherry, Peach, Pear, etc.)
Jelly Recipes
Pansy Jelly
Jelly Recipes
Forsythia Jelly
Jelly Recipes
Rhubarb Jelly
Jelly Recipes