Place the clean, de-stemmed redbud flower blossoms into a quart-size jar.
Bring 4 cups of water to a boil using a microwave or stovetop. Carefully pour the boiling water into the jar containing the redbud flowers.
Add the lemon juice to the flower/water mixture to encorage a color change while the tea is steeping.
Allow the flowers and water to steep for 24 hours, creating a redbud tea that should be a bright pink color when fully steeped.
Pre-measure the sugar and set it aside.
Use a fine strainer to capture the flower petals, or pour the tea through cheesecloth into a saucepan or jam pot. Squeeze the cheesecloth or allow as much liquid to drain through the strainer as possible.
Turn the burner to high heat and bring the mixture to a boil.
Slowly add the pectin, stirring to dissolve the powder.
Return the mixture to a boil and allow it to boil for one minute.
Continuing to stir, slowly add the pre-measured sugar to the mixture.
Again, bring the mixture back to a rolling boil, stirring while boiling for 1-2 minutes.
Ladle or pour the jelly into prepared jelly jars, leaving ¼” headspace, and wipe the rims of the jars with a clean cloth.
Affix the 2-part canning lid, and either proceed with the canning process or leave the jars to cool and set up for 24 hours.
Store canned jelly in a cool, dry place for up to 18 months. Uncanned jelly can be stored in the refrigerator for up to 1 month or in the freezer for 6 months. For all jelly, refrigerate once opened.