If canning, prepare a water bath canner and jars before beginning. Preheat it for raw pack to hot but not yet simmering, around 140 degrees F. This is optional, and only nessisary if canning.
Prepare green tomtoes by slicing them into reasonable sized pieces for your pickles. Slices, quarters or halves all work.
Pack green tomatoes into one pint canning jars. You should have enough to fill 6 jars leaving 1/2 inch headspace. Choose your spice mix from the list above and add the spices and other vegetables (garlic, onion, etc) directly to each jar.
Bring the brine ingredients (including vinegar, water, salt and sugar) to a boil on the stove, and stir to dissolve the salt/sugar. Remove from heat.
Pour the hot brine over the green tomatoes and spices in the jars, leaving 1/2 inch headspace. De-bubble jars and adjust headspace.
Cap with 2 part canning lids.
For Refrigerator pickles, allow the jars to cool on the counter and then store in the refrigerator. Allow the flavors to infuse for at least 2 days, preferably at least a week, before eating.
If canning, prepare a water bath canner before beginning. Once the jars are capped with 2 part canning lids, load them into the pre-heated canner and bring the canner to a full rolling boil. Process jars for 15 minutes for pints and 20 minutes for quarts (adjusting for altitude).