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Chamomile Jelly
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Chamomile Jelly

Flower jellies capture the flavor of fresh blossoms in a sweet floral jelly.
Prep Time15 minutes
Cook Time5 minutes
Canning Time (optional)10 minutes
Total Time30 minutes
Author: Ashley Adamant


  • 1 to 2 cups fresh chamomile blossoms or 1/2 cup dried
  • 4 cups water
  • 2 tbsp lemon juice
  • 1 to 4 cups sugar *see note
  • 1 box 1.75 oz pectin (Regular or Low Sugar)


  • Start by placing the chamomile flowers, whether fresh or dried, into a heatproof container. Pour 4 cups of boiling water over the blossoms and let the tea steep for about 10 to 15 minutes. Once the tea has infused, strain it into a saucepan or jam pot.
  • Next, add the lemon juice to the strained tea. This is essential, not only for enhancing the color of the jelly but also for balancing the sugar in the recipe and aiding the pectin in setting properly. Additionally, the acidity from the lemon helps preserve the jelly, so be sure not to skip this step!
  • Bring the mixture to a boil, then stir in the powdered pectin until it is fully dissolved. Let it boil for 1 minute before adding the sugar. (It’s important not to add the sugar before or with the pectin, as this will prevent the jelly from setting properly.)
  • Once the pectin is dissolved and the mixture is boiling, add the sugar and stir until fully dissolved. Bring the mixture back to a rolling boil for another minute, then remove it from the heat. Ladle the hot jelly into prepared jars, leaving about 1/4 inch of headspace.
  • If you're canning, process the jars in a water bath canner for 10 minutes. If not canning, let the jars cool completely on the counter. Once cooled, store the jelly in the refrigerator for up to a month or freeze it for up to 6 months.


Full Sugar or Low Sugar

If using standard pectin, you must use a 1:1 ratio of liquid to sugar. That means for 4 cups flower blossom tea you'd need a minimum of 4 cups sugar to get the jelly to set. That results in a very sweet "old-fashioned" jelly. To reduce the sugar, simply use low-sugar pectin instead and then make the jelly as instructed but using less sugar. I suggest sure jel low sugar, which is very dependable.
Lowering sugar will also lower yield, and the yield of 5 half-pints is for a full sugar recipe.
If using Pomona's Universal Pectin, the instructions are different, as that is a 2-part low sugar pectin. Follow the instructions provided in the Pomona's box for mint jelly.
If using liquid pectin, the order of operations is different (pectin is added last, sugar first). Liquid pectin also requires a lot more sugar to set (7 cups sugar to 4 cups liquid). I don't recommend liquid pectin because of the high sugar levels required for set, but it will work if that's your preference.
If you have Ball Flex Batch Pectin, you’ll need 6 Tbsp. (which is equal to a 1.75 oz box of other types of pectin).  That’s true for their regular and low-sugar canisters.