Begin by preparing jars, lids, and a water bath canner before making the concentrate.
To infuse more flavor into your limeade, you may wish to use lime zest. Zest the skins of a few organic limes and mix in with your sugar, allowing this mixture to rest for an hour or two so the limes can impart their flavor into the sugar. Remember, you’ll need to strain your concentrate before canning when adding lime zest.
To make your limeade concentrate, juice your limes and strain the pulp from the liquid (pulp can turn bitter when canned). You’ll need about 2 cups of fresh lime juice.
Add lime juice and sugar to a pot or saucepan. (If making limeade instead of limeade concentrate, add in 3 cups of water for every cup of lime juice).
Do not boil the mixture, but gently warm to a temperature of 190°F.
Ladle the hot mixture into prepared canning jars (straining first if you added lime zest), being sure to leave ¼ inch headspace. Seal with 2-part canning lids and process in a water bath canner for 10 to 20 minutes, depending on elevation. Process for 10 minutes if below 1,000 feet elevation, 15 minutes if between 1,000 and 6,000 feet, and 20 minutes for elevations above 6,000 feet.
Once processing, carefully remove jars and place on a towel to cool. Check your seals after 12 to 24 hours. Unsealed jars should be refrigerated or frozen once cooled to room temperature. Canned jars may be stored at room temperature and refrigerated once opened.